Eco Committee 2023 – 24

Announcement!!  The Eco Committee would be very grateful if parents would donate or make bird boxes for our Eco and Pollinator Gardens.

Listen to our Eco Committee E Book


  • Remember to switch off lights
  • Everyone should help
  • Clean up after yourself when you’re having a picnic
  • You can help to recycle by using paper bins
  • Collect up rubbish and sort it into different bins
  • Let’s all get involved and help the earth
  • Each of us should have a compost bin for our skins

Targets for 2023-24


April 2024 – Planting Vegetables

ECO – Cash For Clobber

ECO Meeting – Presentation to Mr Farrell (Principal) and Mr Rory Moynagh (Parent Rep)

Mid Year Survey on Monitoring Healthy Eating

Mid Year Survey on Healthy Eating September 23 and January 24

Our Plastic Promise February 2024

Our Plastic Promise

Major Target Mid Year Review February 2024

Major Target Mid Year Review February 2024

Action Plan 2023-24

Eco Assembly January 2024 and Information Leaflet for Parents

Preparing our Window Boxes and Planters for Spring 2024

Updating the Bird Boxes for Spring 2024

Making Simple Bird Food for our Wildlife Garden

Eco Assembly for Recycling Week – October 2023

P1 Planting Sun Flowers

P1 have been busy planting sun flowers and investigating conditions to get them to grow best. They will now observe them as they grow during May and June.

ECO Committee

Tidying and maintaining our Eco Areas with our Parent Eco Leader, Rory Moynagh.


Every year in school the Eco Committee take part in the  ‘Big School Bird Watch’ and then submit their results to the RSPB.  This year is a little bit different because the children weren’t in school the last week of January to complete this activity.

So we decided to set the Big School Bird Watch as one of our weekly challenges for home learning!  We were delighted with all our entries!  Well done to everyone who got involved.