Principal’s Welcome

I would like to welcome you all to Our Lady’s & St Mochua’s Primary School.  Our school is situated in the heart of Derrynoose and is very much an integral part of the community.  We were established in 2003 as a result of the successful amalgamation of Our Lady’s PS Carrickaduff and St Mochua’s PS Derrynoose.  Since then we have forged a strong partnership with our stakeholders and our school has successfully provided an enriched education for the children we serve.

We are energetic and enthusiastic about education and we always embrace change with positivity and hope.

I hope you enjoy our website.

Mr Farrell

Mission Statement

We the Governors and staff of Our Lady’s & St Mochua’s Primary School believe the school to be a vital part of the Catholic Community.  We are firmly committed to:


Ø  The aims of Catholic Education

Ø  Providing effective education for all our children

Ø  Developing positive effective pastoral care systems in our school

Ø  Establishing close links with the home, the parish and the wider community


Our Lady’s & St Mochua’s seeks to establish an educational community, centred on Christ so that His values and gospel message pervade the whole life of the


School Vision

Through our agreed vision

‘Reaching for the future…A voice today…’

we aim to ensure that our aims are realised.

Our school vision is a central theme that is reflected throughout everything that makes our school.  This includes relationships, curricular, extra-curricular, policy and practice.  ‘Reaching for the future…A voice today…’ means exactly that.

We have a common goal, in that we are preparing the children for the future and they are striving for the future.  In addition, everyone involved with the school, pupils, teachers, non-teaching staff and parents have a voice and everyone will be listened to.

School Aims

By working together in Our Lady’s & St Mochua’s Primary School we aim:

  • to reflect the religious ethos of our community and to foster the moral, spiritual and religious growth of our pupils, based on the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • to provide a broad and balanced curricular programme, based on the Northern Ireland Common Curriculum, which gives all pupils the opportunity to develop academically, socially, emotionally, physically and practically to the best of each individual’s potential
  • to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and concepts that are the tools of learning
  • to provide opportunities for pupils to develop their skills of empathy, teamwork, creativity and leadership
  • to provide opportunities for pupils to grow in self-confidence and independence so that they become responsible, caring and contributing members of their community
  • to foster an environment in which this learning and development may take place
  • to encourage high standards of discipline, behaviour and respect among pupils towards all adults
  • to develop appreciation of the pupils’ own culture and respect for the values of others
  • to encourage partnership and mutual support between home and school
  • to create an atmosphere in which Primary Education is not seen solely as preparation for Secondary School, but rather that pupils will also enjoy Primary School as a rich and rewarding time in their lives
  • to foster effective liaison with all schools, particularly those within our learning community

Changemaker Status

The school was selected as a Changemaker School in 2014.  This programme identifies, connects, and supports innovative primary schools on the island of Ireland.  This recognises our work in developing the key skills and attributes of teamwork, leadership, empathy and creativeness with all our children.

We are one of only fifteen schools throughout Ireland to be part of this prestigious network, and the only one from Northern Ireland. 

School Management

The School Board of Governors mange the school and make all strategic decisions to ensure we deliver the best education for all the children in our care.

There are ten members of the Board of Governors

Mr Brian Rafferty (Chairman)    Trustee Representative

Fr McCann Trustee Representative

Mr James Lennon Trustee Representative

Mrs Noeleen Corrigan Trustee Representative

Mr Frank Corvan (Vice Chairman) EA Representative

Mrs Elizabeth Murray EA Representative

Mrs Sinead McNaughton DENI Representative

Mrs Brenda Fox Parent Representative

Mrs Eileen Hamilton Teacher Representative

Mr Gary Farrell Secretary and School Principal