P4/5 Halloween Assembly

Our Halloween Celebrations began with a fantastic assembly by our P4/5 Class.  First, they told the story with a simple message that everyone deserves a chance to be included. They then informed us of the dangers associated with Halloween and how we can keep ourselves safe when out and about.  Eac

Maths Week Ireland

Maths Week: As part of celebrating Maths Week the Pupil Leadership Team hosted Wear a Number, Pattern or Shape Day. All children and staff wore a number, pattern or shape as an item of clothing and everyone donated to our bucket collection in Aid of the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland . A total of £

Hurling Blitz

Congratulation to our Boys Hurling Team who enjoyed great success at the Armagh County Board Hurling Blitz. Many thanks to Mr Woods and to James for preparing the boys. Congratulations to Mr Woods and all at Middletown GAA Page on their fantastic 5 in a Row Senior Championship Success.

Eco Committee

Our Eco Committee have been very busy this week maintaining our vegetable planters and other areas around the school. Earlier in the year they planted onions and scallops with the help of Sean and Maura and this week the added Garlic. They are being ably lead by our parent eco committee member Mr Ro

Eco Committee

Congratulations to our Eco Committee who presented an assembly this week to Mark Recycling Week.. The boys and girls delivered very important messages as to why we should recycle. Well done to them all and thanks to Mrs Warner for leading and assisting the children in their preparations.

Lisa McAtavey Cup

We were delighted to host the Annual Lisa McAtavey Camogie Competition last week. We were treated to a great display of camogie with all teams showing exceptional skills, talent and respect. Congratulations to St Mary’s PS Granemore on winning the competition for the first time. Thanks also to Bil