Well done to our Primary 7 Class who took part in a Dragon’s Den Presentation as part of their Young Enterprise Business Beginnings Programme. The standard of the presentations was excellent and we look forward to the BIG REVEAL – AKA THE ANNOUNCING OF THE WINNING PRODUCT! Thanks to our Dragons, our Business Student Cian Cunningham, Parent and Director of Rice’s Supermarket Mr Paul Rice and our Vice Principal Mrs Hamilton.
As part of our Business Beginnings Programme Young Enterprise our P7 Class have unveiled their product for this year – a beautiful 20th Anniversary Cup with a treat inside. Orders have been returned and the production line will be busy tomorrow getting all orders out before Easter. Many thanks to Mr Stephen Coleman, parent of Saoirse for manufacturing the cups for us – they are absolutely beautiful. All proceeds will go towards the Irish Pilgrimage Trust Charity. This charity, of which our P1 teacher Miss O’Neill is a volunteer, will bring sick children and children with additional needs to Lourdes during Easter Week. Thanks also to Mrs Gollogly and Lauren for supporting and guiding the children throughout this initiative.
Well done to our P7 class who have completed their Business Beginnings Programme. All orders for our 20th Anniversary Cup with treat inside have been put together and delivered to all our customers. The children have worked tirelessly on this project and we are very proud of their achievement. Thanks to Mrs Gollogly and Lauren for guiding the children along the way.