Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week (Plaque Holders) and Monsignor McGrane House Mark Winners.

Special Notices

Thursday 24th October – P6 Assembly All parents welcome.

Friday 25th October – All children are encourage to dress up for Halloween.  School will close at 12.00 Noon for all children.

Notices for Week Beginning 14th October 2024 


During School  

  1. Morning Club from 8.15am – Parents must have pre registered their children

After School Clubs today

  1. 2pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  2. 3pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  3. Soccer Club 2pm-4pm  Session 4/6


During School  

  1. Morning Club from 8.15am – Parents must have pre registered their children.

After Schools today

  1. 2pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  2. 3pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  3. Tag Rugby Club 3pm-4pm in lieu of Friday 4th October.


During School  

  1. Breakfast Club from 8.15am for children who have been registered
  2. .Singing Schools Programme for P6 (During School Time)
  3. James McKernan GAA Hurling Coach for P3 and P5

After School

  1. 2pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  2. 3pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  3. Dodgeball 2pm – 3pm and 3pm – 4pm Session 5/6


During School  

  1. Morning Club from 8.15am – Parents must have pre registered their children.
  2. Children in P2-P7 will attend Mass at 9.30am.  All welcome.
  3. P4 GAA with Greg McCabe – GAA gear to be brought into school.
  4. EA Music with Mrs Moore – Please ensure children have their instruments

After School

  1. 2pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  2. 3pm Club for children who have been registered by their parents.
  3. Gymnastics 3pm-4pm Session 5/6


During School  

  1. Morning Club from 8.15am – Parents must have pre registered their children.
  2. Patricia Vallely Music Lessons Session 2/10
  3. Mrs Moore EA Music Lessons
  4. Football Blitz in Madden for children who have been selected to attend as per email sent.
  5. Friday Pm Clubs for P5-P7 – See below
This Week
1.  GAA Gaelic Football or
2. A Physical Activity followed by an Art/Craft Club.
Next Week…
1.  GAA Hurling/Camogie or
2. A Physical Activity followed by an Art/Craft Club.
Children choosing to take part in the GAA Clubs must have a GAA gear with trainers to change into.  The club will take place on the 3G.
Children will only be allowed to attend the clubs provided all homework and classwork has been completed and behaviour falls within our expectations.

After Schools today

  1. No 2pm or 3pm club on a Friday.
  2. Tag Rugby 3pm-4pm Session 5/6 (Please note that the session owed for Friday 4th will be on Tuesday 15th October and the session owed for Friday 24th October will be on Tuesday 22nd October.