Congratulations to Frankie and Jayden who have been selected by Mr Farrell to be his representative on the Eco and Pupil Leadership teams for this year. Super achievement!
We were delighted to announce our Primary Seven Leadership Roles at our Assembly this morning. Each child was presented with their badge of office. House Captains Ryan, Sophia, Eamon, Ryan, Caelum, Senan, Rhia, Katie, Michael, Ethan, Courtney, Cora, Amelia, Saoirse, Eabha and Charlie. Changemaker Pr
We were delighted to welcome our New Primary One Class to school this week. We wish them many happy and enjoyable years at our school. May Our Lady and St Mochua watch over them in the years ahead.
We want to wish Mrs Eileen Hamilton our Vice Principal and Mrs Yvonne Warner our Senior Teacher the very best for their retirement. We have had a lovely week celebrating this milestone for these two fantastic teachers with our End of Year Mass and Presentations, a Staff Meal with Governors and Staff
We were delighted to welcome past pupil Maeve Lennon to school this week with the Armagh Senior Ladies Ulster Championship Cup and National League Cup. She is pictured with her top fan, Joe from P2, Mr Farrell and Mrs Hamilton. We are so proud of Maeve.
Congratulations to all the children who were awards Termly Certificates for Term 3 at our Final Assembly this week. Certificates are given for Consistent Effort, Excellent Behaviour, Excellent Handwriting, Excellent Homework, Writing Wizard and Number Kid.
Congratulations to all of our children who successfully completed the Young Enterprise Programmes in their classes. Pictured is a representative from each class receiving their certificates from our Classroom Assistants, who deliver the programmes in our school. Special thanks to Anne McC, Helena, J
Congratulations to the Boys and Girls who successfully completed the Reading Partnership Programme throughout this year. Special thanks to Mrs Anne Conlon who delivers the programme in our school.
Well done to our top Mathletics Performers between Christmas and Summer. These boys and girls have put in a considerable amount of time completing both teacher set tasks and the live tasks. Super effort.